Book of Life
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Book of Life

Photography with all its different techniques makes it possible to visualize the beauty of the invisible. The contours and veins of the tabletop of the Large Tabletop, versus the shadow of the lungs; the contours and shapes of the skull and heart.

"There is silence about things. All movement lays down, becomes contour, and something that lasts ends up from the past and the future: space, the great relaxation of things that have not been pushed anywhere. "
R.M. Rilke (from: a lecture on Rodin 1907)

A play with light and color
BOOK OF LIFE visualizes the convergence of art and science. The blue color of the cyanotype gives a new context to the X-rays.
Blue is the color of the cold, the color that reminds us of shadow, but is also the color of the distance, the infinite. The blue of the sky reflected in the water makes the water attractive.

BOOK OF LIFE combines X-rays, photos of plants, photos of people and landscapes, drawings. Each book will tell its own story. By the sequence of the images and sometimes by the addition of texts.